Hello! This is
İstanbul calling!
We Amplify İstanbul .
Istanbul, an historic and cultural hub, often said to be "the bridge between Eastern and Western civilizations", have a vibrant creative scene in all art forms. Within its 15M+ habitants, more than 2.5M are under 24 year old, İstanbul is one of the youngest populations in Europe and Middle East and a natural stop point of global artistic network.
Istanbul Arts and Cultural Exchange Office is founded into Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality's Kültür AŞ and aims to support artists and art professionals of the city to raise their international visibility, develop new international projects and businesses.
Arts Talent Networking Tour Supports
Cultural Exchange International
Professional Development
In the same vision of being a natural partner of Istanbul's internationally acclaimed art scene, as well as new and young talents who seek to connect with art networks, Istanbul Arts and Cultural Exchange Office will soon publish open calls for international projects and tour supports.
Founded by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality's Kültür AŞ, in 2020 and we aim to support young and dynamic art scenes of the city by:
Supporting international projects developments;
- Providing know-how, promotion and financial support for new/young artists who have potential/demand on abroad, as well as internationally acclaimed artists from Istanbul;
- Organizing educational panels, meetings and workshops for artists and art professionals to develop their professional skills, exchange know-how;
- Encouraging artists and art professionals to meet, network and collaborate with their international counter parties;
- Attending international art fairs and conventions to develop new networks and relations with other foreign cultural institutions.
Feel free to submit your project (or tour plan etc.) via our project submission form below: